Thursday, June 7, 2012

Life in Paraiso

Now, let's try Paraiso in a real-world problem. Simulation of artificial life will be a good starting point.

The sample program, like every other Haskell programs, starts with some language extension and imports.

#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Tensor.TypeLevel
import           Language.Paraiso.Annotation (Annotation)
import qualified Language.Paraiso.Annotation.Boundary as Boundary
import           Language.Paraiso.Generator (generateIO)
import qualified Language.Paraiso.Generator.Native as Native
import           Language.Paraiso.Name
import           Language.Paraiso.OM
import           Language.Paraiso.OM.Builder
import           Language.Paraiso.OM.Builder.Boolean (select,eq,ge,le)
import           Language.Paraiso.OM.DynValue as DVal
import           Language.Paraiso.OM.Realm 
import qualified Language.Paraiso.OM.Reduce as Reduce
import           Language.Paraiso.OM.Value (StaticValue(..))
import           Language.Paraiso.Optimization
import           Language.Paraiso.Prelude
import           NumericPrelude hiding ((||),(&&))

-- the main program
main :: IO ()
main = do
  _ <- generateIO mySetup myOM
  return ()

Let's say our computation region to be 80x48 and with cyclic boundary conditions. The new Orthotope Machine will have the name "Life".

-- the code generation setup
mySetup :: Native.Setup Vec2 Int
mySetup = 
  (Native.defaultSetup $ Vec :~ 80 :~ 48)
  { = "./dist/" ,
    Native.boundary = compose $ const Boundary.Cyclic

-- the orthotope machine to be generated
myOM :: OM Vec2 Int Annotation
myOM = optimize O3 $
  makeOM (mkName "Life") [] myVars myKernels

We use an array variable cell for the cell states, population for counting the number of alive cells and generation for keeping track of the time.

-- the variables we use
cell :: Named (StaticValue TArray Int)
cell = "cell" `isNameOf` StaticValue TArray  undefined

population :: Named (StaticValue TScalar Int)
population = "population" `isNameOf` StaticValue TScalar undefined

generation :: Named (StaticValue TScalar Int)
generation = "generation" `isNameOf` StaticValue TScalar undefined

myVars :: [Named DynValue]
myVars = [f2d cell, f2d population, f2d generation]

Then, let's make two kernels, one for the initialization of the state and the other for updating the state for one generation.

-- our kernel
myKernels :: [Named (Builder Vec2 Int Annotation ())]
myKernels = ["init" `isNameOf` initBuilder,
             "proceed" `isNameOf` proceedBuilder]

Initialization, is just trivial.

initBuilder :: Builder Vec2 Int Annotation ()
initBuilder = do 
  -- store the initial states.
  store cell 0
  store population 0
  store generation 0

Now, how shall we write the rule of Conway's game of Life? Let's first define the adjacency. In Conway's game of Life, one cell has eight neighbours:

adjVecs :: [Vec2 Int]
adjVecs = zipWith (\x y -> Vec :~ x :~ y)
          [-1, 0, 1,-1, 1,-1, 0, 1]
          [-1,-1,-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]

A timestep of the game begins by loading a Array variable called "cell" as the old state of the simulation.

proceedBuilder :: Builder Vec2 Int Annotation ()
proceedBuilder = do 
  oldCell <- bind $ load cell

We also load a Scalar variable called "generation."

  gen  <- bind $ load generation

shiftedCell <- bind $ shift v oldCell is an expression that yields a cell pattern shifted by amount v from the old cell. Then mapping it over every v in adjVecs creates the neighbour list.

  neighbours <- forM adjVecs $
    \v -> bind $ shift v oldCell

Count the neighbour cells that are alive.

  num <- bind $ sum neighbours

Apply the rule of Conway's game of Life.

  isAlive <- bind $
             (oldCell `eq` 0) && (num `eq` 3) ||
             (oldCell `eq` 1) && (num `ge` 2) && (num `le` 3) 

Update the cell according to the rule. The expression select isAlive 1 0, means isAlive ? 1 : 0 in C.

  newCell <- bind $ select isAlive 1 0

Count the number of alive cells, increment the generation, and store the new cell state.

  store population $ reduce Reduce.Sum newCell
  store generation $ gen + 1
  store cell $ newCell

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